Friday, May 21, 2010

Get the fuck out of Africa!

Gay HUMAN rights took a giant step back this week as Africa turns on the gay community.



Two human beings were convicted and sentenced for 14 years hard labour for the crime of loving each other, Steven Mojenza, 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20 were arrested last December in their home after declaring their love for each other in a traditional engagement ceremony. Tuesday 18th May 2010, Steven and Tiwonge were found guilty of gross indecency and unnatural acts.

Steven and Tiwonge led away after their court case

In a country where 40% of the economy is made up of foreign aid, a population of 15 million people, high infant mortality rate, a life expectancy of 50 years, nearly a million people living with HIV and AIDS and over 250 people diagnosed with the disease every day - this is the country that would rather persecute two people for falling in love with each other than commit itself to righting the actual wrongs that are afflicting its people. President Bingu wa Mutharika and the government of Malawi are doing no one any favours by burying their heads in the sand and pointing the finger of morality at the gay community

October 2009, David Bahati, MP, introduces the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill which would increase the punishments served upon gay and lesbian couples and individuals. Homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda, 95% of the population surveyed said that homosexuality should be rejected by society.The Bill would make it so that as well as facing a prison sentence just for being gay, repeat offenders could in fact face the death penalty. Anyone who fails to report homosexual activity can be jailed for up to three years.


Growing up I was taught that it was our responsible to help the poor black people of Africa who can't help themselves, where did I learn these lessons? In Religion class, when the priests visited the schools and at church - I learned it was my responsibility to dig deep and give what I could. I put my pennies into the lent boxes, I fasted for charity and I put my money in the church basket, the church taught me that I had to love and respect my fellow man.
I only know now that the Churches have been spending their time pushing some of their more disgusting beliefs on the people of Africa, and the gay community are the hands of bigoted 'holy men'
Scott Lively, a missionary who has written several books against homosexuality, including “7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child”; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a man who claims to have cured his homosexuality leads “healing seminars”; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, whose mission is “mobilizing the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality”, are the three American "Christians" responsible for the current wave of homophobia in Uganda. After the trio of do-gooders spoke at seminars organised by Stephen Langa in order to highlight “the gay agenda — that whole hidden and dark agenda” popularity for the disgraceful and anti-human rights anti-gay bill grew enormously.


When attention was pulled on the martyrs they backed down from their stance, claiming no responsibility for the wave of violence, abuse and harassment being forced upon the gay community of Uganda - a pack of cowards without the balls to stand by their actions and beliefs, who can blame them how were they to realise that showing photographs of Hardcore S&M, fisting, felching could have a negative effect, that sort of shit turns my stomach! How the fuck did they think a crowded hall of full of people who already had issues with gay community, most of which were put there because of other church teachings were going to react?!

You have no fucking place in Africa - take your ignorant bigoted views and fuck off back to your chapel where you can attempt to shove your views down the throats of people who have wised up to you. You have ruined lives, you have hurt people, any pain, blood or tears that are shed in the next few years are on your hands.

This is not an attack on those who go to Africa with the intentions of helping others, who spend their lives striving to bring some hope to those who are starving, fleeing war or looking for somewhere to call a home. The work in Africa is so important and it should not be overshadowed by these assholes and their moral high horses. People have urged governments to pull aid from these countries until they right their wrongs, that is something that shouldn't even be considered. Do you think it is what Steven and Tiwonge would want? Pulling aid will only cause more suffering and more pain and cos more anger and more hurt and the cycle will only worsen and nothing will be accomplished but we must find a solution and bring an understanding to Africa.

Tiwonge and Steven, my thoughts are with you, be strong and take care of each other!

Friday, May 14, 2010

They are ALL to blame!

Firstly, I'd like to direct your attention to the words of a friend of mine, Yvonne Nolan: Blame Game

It's a frank and powerful piece!

My stomach churned with bile and rage last night as I listened to Cowen's speech - every word stifled under his breath was an outright lie! They talk of the people who biting back and venting anger as wasting time that could be spent solving the crisis - these are the people who placed trust in them that they'd keep things running smoothly and if anything every single person in this country, young and old should be standing up and shouting them down.
They are saying now we are coming out of the worst and things will begin to stable out...I for one will be keeping my pennies under my mattress until there is an absolute guarantee from the Almighty powers that be that we are in the black again!
A generation of college graduates who were promised the world will be forgotten and passed by once all of this has been and gone!

So forgive me if I continue to vent my anger and scream foul when I see any of these eejits, be they politician or banker telling us that we're all okay now!