Friday, May 14, 2010

They are ALL to blame!

Firstly, I'd like to direct your attention to the words of a friend of mine, Yvonne Nolan: Blame Game

It's a frank and powerful piece!

My stomach churned with bile and rage last night as I listened to Cowen's speech - every word stifled under his breath was an outright lie! They talk of the people who biting back and venting anger as wasting time that could be spent solving the crisis - these are the people who placed trust in them that they'd keep things running smoothly and if anything every single person in this country, young and old should be standing up and shouting them down.
They are saying now we are coming out of the worst and things will begin to stable out...I for one will be keeping my pennies under my mattress until there is an absolute guarantee from the Almighty powers that be that we are in the black again!
A generation of college graduates who were promised the world will be forgotten and passed by once all of this has been and gone!

So forgive me if I continue to vent my anger and scream foul when I see any of these eejits, be they politician or banker telling us that we're all okay now!

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