Friday, April 16, 2010

A Cheque by any other name...

What do you call your government handout? I am starting here dragging the hours out of yet another day but it's Friday and Friday is money day! A 20 minute queue in the Post Office surrounded by people I don't know and are twice as old as me!
It has become the soul crushing part of my week but without it I can't really do anything so I suck it up, get my free money and lodge it into my account and disappear back home!

What I am trying to get at is what do you call it? When I am asked what I am doing these days I dread telling people I am drawing the DOLE. There is something about that word that just sends me into a serious spiral of shame! Yeah I know I get government money but I don't like telling people I do - I ain't exactly brimming with pride at the thoughts of my petty allowance.
If I do tell people I tend to call it free money or make some other jest about it but deep down my subconscious self is headbutting a wall.

I know some people can't survive without it, it is essential for people on medical benefits and disabilities and all that but I am an able bodied graduate willing to throw himself into any kind of work (even Porn!) but alas job rejection after job rejection makes the end of the week a somewhat gleeming cheque and operation 'get the hell out of this country'.

Oh and my apologies for the depressing rant, I realise there are people far worse off than me but hell this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to now if you will excuse me I need to go get my free money!

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